Using Virtual Reality to Simulate Business Solutions

14. 8. 2023

When designing automated conveyor lines, it is very difficult to estimate or calculate the exact amount of transported material, the workload of individual stations and other variables.

For this reason, we use the Visual Components software, which allows us to visually simulate months of the line's operation. This helps us identify weak spots, design the most efficient solutions and give the customer also the opportunity to view the line interactively – in virtual reality, using animations on our website, or using virtual reality glasses.

The solution allows us to primarily simulate and calculate the flow of material, which is not enough for the human brain or even basic design programs. Our customers thus receive relevant data on our proposed solution from us even before signing the contract. We will also use virtual reality for presentations at trade fairs and exhibitions. For the first time in October 2023 at the International Engineering Fair in Brno.

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